Stanwycks PHOTO ARTS & Career Building

Photographic Arts Sessions & Workshops

Learning how to create images can be a part of you, forever.

Studio Classes and On-Location Workshops

Honing Your Craft, Style & Portfolio

Stanwycks Photographic Arts Coaching and Workshops

Check out our Art Gallery
for various style Wall CAnvas, prints and mediums...

The Art & Craft of Photography

Art Photography, Street Car in New Orleans

The Art & Craft of Photography

Photography is a skill that if done with love and executed well,  becomes more than a skill, it makes you an artist or a craftsmen. We have to begin our journey learning from others and trusting their knowledge.

Stanwycks offers her knowledge and experience in her classes and workshops to help shape you on your path to Skill, Craftsmanship and Artistry.

Photography Classes, Coaching & Workshops

Workshops Classes and Coaching, prove invaluable to get your individual process started towards photography ambitions...

Photography Classes & Coaching are successful and invaluable for many of our Attendees. The more you work on your creativity and understand photography, the more your images will improve. Our Studio is motivated to help you succeed,  and we  take clients very seriously.

Stanwycks Photography, Beautiful Red Tulips

the Courses On this page


Becoming an Artist in Photography

We help you with the steps to becoming an Artist in Photography. Every Endeavor has steps to take to achieve the goal s to start your path...

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The Artist Within

This course is a road to discovering the artist that you are or wish to become and realizing your talents, skills and reimagining them to suit your goals.


Street and or Night Photography

It's an art to capture the Decisive Moment - Capturing moments candidly requires intuition and timing. Night photography is a skill bundled with elements of Street Photography.


Understanding Light, Color and Exposure in Photography

Light Color and Exposure are the elements that make up a photographic image. We help you understand these elements in Photography that will level up your Images.

 Stanwycks Photo Arts Coaching and Workshops

Photography Workshops available, Our Studio is committed to helping individuals get better at creating their talent, skills and showing their work!

We offer Photography Classes,  Workshops and Photography Coaching. We offer a hands on approach to a better understanding bringing the elements together for ones very personal, Photographic journey. Photography and art are very personal...

We offer daily Workshops and Weekends....

Phone:  504.899.9394 Studio

stanwycks PHOTO ARTS

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Coaching and Workshops for Photographic Arts Skill Building

Aspiring Artists & Photographers

"When we pick up our cameras we aspire to create... When we make images we want our images to be art. Art is very subjective and it all starts with what we like to look at and what we see in our minds eye..."

So you want to make pictures. You want to create images that mean something and have a creative side, tell stories and reflect how we think as individuals. It starts with an idea and then figuring out how to make it happen. It takes skill and perseverance.

If you work with us we can help you develop those skills using our experience from over 25 years of crafting our skills in our studio, being on location and having all kinds of clients. 

Photographic Arts Journeys and Steps That help you to your path...

Stanwycks creates Photography, Paints, Paintings and Giclée's, Teaches workshops and classes and goes on Assignment either in the studio or on-location.

Creating Images and becoming Artists and Creators  are a series of steps that we have to take to get to our given goals and it has to start somewhere. It starts first in your heart and takes flight through passion. No matter the medium if you feel it enough to create it, you will do anything to make it happen. which is probably why you are at this website. We offer Sessions, and workshops with hands on learning, discussions and shooting.  We will help you fast track your Photographic Endeavors.


It's the fails that make you better and the wins that keep you trying for more. "

Coaching and Workshops for Photo Arts & Skill Building

Becoming an Artist Building Blocks Course


Building blocks for an Artful Photo Journey

Being an artist needs to be developed and we can help you develop your Art & Craft

Developing A Style

What makes you Unique with your work and developing like Images

The Art & Craft of Photography

Understanding Skills and your Art

Visual Sophisitication

Seeing art through others eyes makes us inspired to Create.

Your Portfolio

We help you understand a body of work that will be your portfolio

Becoming a Photo Artist Building Blocks Course

The Building Blocks that are in this Coaching Course


Developing Your Photographic Skill Set

Understanding that photography is craft and a skill set. You must build the skills to be able to execute the Craft.  It's the foundation for being an Artist in Photography.


Style Development

This Building Block is essential to understanding your vision in photography and having a point of view. this should reflect in your body of work as how you see yourself as an artist. 


Creating Your collections

You must create a body of work to get recognized as an artist and known for your style and point of view in your images. We build a body of work so that you can feel proud and confident when displaying your images.

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Transformative Photography Coaching Program

The Transformative Photography Coaching Program, aptly named "Skills, Style, and Collections," is a comprehensive journey designed to elevate photographers from enthusiasts to artist. This multifaceted program focuses on three key areas: developing essential skills, refining personal style, and cultivating a cohesive body of work.

Developing your Photographic Journey

The Art & Craft of Image Making...

This Photographic Journey encompasses a few steps that will make you better at your craft, by shooting and organizing your work with a focus on Style and presentation.

As Image Makers we are motivated by what inspires us. We figure out your goals, motivations and work on your images, based on your goals to develop your unique images. 

This coaching will take a few sessions including visual collections, Defining who you are now and who you want to become - as a photographer and visual artist; Image Critiques and displaying your work. there will be assignments and discussions.


Style Development

These Photographic Coaching Sessions concentrate on what it takes to become a more Artful Photographer. You must know how to create images as this is for the more seasoned shooter.

We concentrate here on how to understand your unique style and work on developing what that is, for you. When you understand your style, it will give your work more direction in your workflow and get you motivated to create a good body of work, uniquely yours.

This coaching will take a few sessions including;

  • Defining your ideas and Goals
  • understanding your motivations when creating images as a photographer and visual artist;
  • Image Critiques and various forms of displaying your work.

Creating Your Collections

These Photographic Sessions concentrate on creating a display of your work.  You must know how to create images, as this is for the more seasoned shooter.

We concentrate on your collection of work. When you understand your style and create images reflecting that than your next step is to create a body of work which will be your portfolio.

This coaching will take a few sessions including;

  • Defining your ideas and Goals with your Portfolio
  • What you want from your Collections
  • understand your Viewers
  • Creating a Portfolio for your audience

We will have discussions Critiques and assignments


Craft, Style, Collections, Portfolios and Putting it all together...

We offer coaching sessions that put it all together of the afore mentioned topics over 8 to 10 weeks.

Some Artists only want to work on one or two of these things and each topic takes a few sessions to understand and create.

Doing all of the above will get you on a faster track to accomplishing your goals faster for your given endeavor.

  • The art and Craft of Photography - You must be at least an intermediate shooter to move forward with this segment
  • Developing your Unique Style
  • Creating your Body of Work of your image Collections for your portfolios
  • And as a Bonus how and where to display your Portfolios

This coaching will take a few months of coaching and mentoring  - we suggest 2 sessions a month. 

We will have discussions Critiques and assignments


More courses....

Artist Within Course

The Artist Within


Artist Within Course

Creating or Unblocking | Recreating the Artist Within

Being creative for self satisfaction, feeling good, and even excited about what you want to accomplish takes motivation and a clear mind.

If your mind is jumbled and life is crazy, the creative process can be tainted, one can feel negatively challenged, making the creative process seem like climbing a huge mountain.

The creative process is different for everyone. This workshop is focused on you and figuring out what makes you come alive creatively...

  • What makes you come alive Creatively and stimulates you creatively now
  • Brining the passion back like you once were or perhaps simply different so you can find the creatively that once was somehow gotten locked away and why.

Artists workshops have been a good place to start to get you seeing and feeling your creative self for the first time or once again. If you are struggling this could be just what you need for either the new artist or a creative individual. Call for a consultation, we would like to help.

Lifecoaching Sessions, Photography, Discussions and recreating the artist within...

Attendees should bring to these classes/workshops their camera and gear, laptop and software that they use for their Photographs. Please bring at least 50 of your latest images so we can look at where you are now.

There will be life coaching sessions, discussions, writing exercises, shooting at various locations, possible computer processes demonstrations. We will create images together based on your discovery and coaching sessions. Be prepared to talk about various subjects as realized through the creative process.

Street and or Night Photography

Street Photography is a very interesting part of Photography, as Journalism is to telling a story.  There are so many different facets to Street Photography.

Immersing yourself in the local culture and experiencing life here gets one primed to start shooting pictures as life unfolds quickly - every minute - either in black and white or color. Being more intuitive and spontaneous gets more thought provoking images.   

We go over gear, safety, light, preparation, travel, color, black and white, some computer imaging and learning how to understand your inner photographer.  Vicki Stanwycks personally coaches and works with you in the classroom and on Location to create, using the techniques learned in this class.

Light & Color  Photography Workshop | eXPOSURE


Day Or Weekend Workshops

So... You have heard about it, you have read about it, you have even tried to understand it... You have photographed images - using it..., and have tried to make great photographs trying to understand, and for some, "It" is a mystery...

In order to create a photograph, we must have it...  the - Light. Using light effectively helps us make better Photographs. In order to create an image, we need light...

We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from color to capture. Understanding light and how to manipulate light through exposure, will make all the difference to your images.

"Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image."

This workshop enhances your photography and helps you pinpoint the right exposure so you can make better images. How we work with an image in post production on the computer will make a difference. Light is essential to the life of the image.



The workshop...

This  Workshop starts off in the classroom  going over various techniques and brings us out into the field shooting different situations where we learn to use light to create mood, impact, what's best for color, for people, interiors, exteriors, and mixed lighting situations. Mixed lighting situations can be challenging and knowing what to do by knowing how to analyze light using our techniques will greatly benefit any shooter. If you are interested in understanding how to use light more effectively this workshop is for you.

Stanwycks Photography, Black and White in Mexico at the Beach

Variety of Images From Our Workshops

Exposure, Composition, Color and Black and White...

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Using Your Camera to Tell Stories...

Photography in general alludes to fun and excitement. Photography also brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph. We travel to exotic places with the idea in mind to create equally exotic Photographs. We are travelers, we are adventure seekers and we want to see and do more and capture it through our cameras.

However if we don't know how to do it well, all that excitement dies fast when our Photographs don't look like what we felt and saw. Good Photography creates a feeling and better photography get us excited. The old cliché that;

"A picture is worth a thousand Words!"

It's true... I would like to think and hope that some images are worth more words and some Photographs do all the talking. Wouldn't you like to be that Creator? Wouldn't you like to create pictures that spoke to your viewing audience? Take the first step with us and we will get you on that path today. We will help you understand photography and it's language so much better. You will see!

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About Vicki Stanwycks and the Studio's Workshops

The Stanwycks Photography Studio  has been giving various workshops for more than 15 years, both creatively and the for those interested in the Nuts and Bolts of Photography. Vicki Stanwycks has been a commercial photographer for more than 23 years, shooting various Photography Specialties including; commercial advertising, aerial, models, industrial, corporate, events - people, places and things.

Vicki also owned a Gallery on Magazine Street for a few years knowing well, how to create  images for fine art as well as commercially. She has traveled extensively all over the United States and Europe, for commercial assignments and personally. Since 2010 she has also become a life coach and incorporates that into her classes and workshops to help you bring out the best in you and your creativity.

She offers workshops and classes for individuals and small groups offering her experience and expertise for a good Photography foundation and hands on practical knowledge.

The Artful Photography Coaching Side of the Studio....

Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks Photography

Various Workshops & Career building Sessions - Days and Weekends

What Kind of Photographer do you want to be? 

Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available

We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop, class or Boot Camp


Snapping Photos or Creating Images?

Are we snapping photos or creating images? With Instagram and Facebook inherently everyone is a kind of journalist - yet many an image is a snapshot.

The difference however in a good image maker and a snapshot maker is our methodology and care we take to understand the image and the process to create a fine image and the equipment we use.


Prepare Your Photography Gear and Yourself...

Attendees should have their Camera, lenses, laptop or home computer and software which we can discuss before coaching. When we go shoot photographs, It's recommended to wear something comfortable, weather appropriate and closed toe shoes or sneakers.

Creative Juices Flowing...  Just you and your Camera!

Photography Career building

We offer Photographer Career Building for the Photographer and the the shooter who strives to be an Artist... 

Photographers Boot Camp

We offer Photography Boot Camp... Learn to be a Shooter in 3 days, learn the ins and outs of being a photographer in 30 days...  We can help you for sure!!! The boot camp is pretty intense and we love to help people who are committed to the Craft of Photography and want to excel!

Much Goes Into Black and White Photography

Do you want to create a great better black and white images?

Color, Black and White, special effects... the list is endless what you can do.

Make Statements and tell stories with your images... Being a photographer is different, you are creating stories for others ..."

Knowing how to be more creative and spontaneous makes photography more interesting to you and for potential  assignments.

Having the Skills when working ass a photographer is a given, Knowing how to create images that tell stories for others is a skill onto itself. We strive to create!


Coaching on Your Schedule

"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"

New Orleans Photo Workshop Adventures

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394 or email

We are happy to discuss your ideas and goals in your Photo journey -  and are eager to help!

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