Art Photo Courses

Art Photography, Street Car in New Orleans

Workshops & Classes by Stanwycks Photography

Photography Courses from beginners to more advanced shooters...  We help people get better at Photography and understanding how it all works!

Photography Classes, Workshops and Coaching, bringing the elements together for your Photographic journey.

We offer daily Workshops and Weekends....

Phone:  504.899.9394 Studio

Learning how to create images will be yours, forever.






Stanwycks Photography Studio, & Fine Art

Stanwycks Fine Art Photography  Gallery





Vicki Stanwycks' courses are designed for a seamless learning experience with practical exercises and personalized feedback to enhance technical skills and artistic appreciation in photography.

Transform your photography journey with Vicki Stanwycks into an inspiring adventure.

-Vicki Stanwycks' photography courses cater to all skill levels, offering training in various genres like travel, night, and street photography.


-The comprehensive curriculum covers essential topics such as workflow, exposure, color, and light fundamentals to enhance both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


-Travel Photography with Vicki Stanwycks teaches planning, equipment management, and storytelling. Street Photography focuses on observing daily life and capturing candid moments. Night Photography covers low-light shooting techniques for stunning images..




"Vicki Stanwycks Captures the Essence of New Orleans for Art or Assignments"

Aspiring Artists

"When we pick up our cameras we aspire to create... When we make images we want our images to be art.

Art is very subjective and it all starts with what we like to look at and what we see in our minds eye..."

Creating art is a journey and it has to start somewhere. It starts first in your heart and takes flight through passion. No matter the medium if you feel it to make it, you will do anything to make it happen.

My career has been a great journey of photographing nuts and bolts to beautiful things and people. I have taken some of the most mundane things and made them sparkle because I saw something mundane as a gem in the rough. It's how we see that can make all the difference in the world. Industrial Photography can be awesome, at least to me. Someone else not so much. be good at what you like to see and show it in your images.

Fine Art Photography

Stanwycks creates Photography, Paints, Paintings and Giclée's, Teaches workshops and classes and goes on Assignment either in the studio or on-location. 

We all aspire to be an artist and create the best that we can.

"I started traveling and creating images wherever and whenever I  could.

To create is to be fearless, don't be afraid of what others think. If you want to do something  - you might think, it's been done before and stop before you start.  A wise woman told me once, "It's all been done before, do it anyway!"  And that has been my light to do what inspires me to try, learn, fail and do it again.

It's the fails that make us better and the wins that keep us trying for more. "

Stanwycks Photography, Black and White in Mexico at the Beach

Variety of Images From Our Workshops

Exposure, Composition, Color and Black and White...

Stanwycks Photography 2

Using Your Camera to Tell Stories...

Photography in general alludes to fun and excitement. Photography also brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph. We travel to exotic places with the idea in mind to create equally exotic Photographs. We are travelers, we are adventure seekers and we want to see and do more and capture it through our cameras.

However if we don't know how to do it well, all that excitement dies fast when our Photographs don't look like what we felt and saw. Good Photography creates a feeling and better photography get us excited. The old cliché that;

"A picture is worth a thousand Words!"

It's true... I would like to think and hope that some images are worth more words and some Photographs do all the talking. Wouldn't you like to be that Creator? Wouldn't you like to create pictures that spoke to your viewing audience? Take the first step with us and we will get you on that path today. We will help you understand photography and it's language so much better. You will see!

DSC_5144_bw painta

About Vicki's Workshops

The workshops and classes offered by Stanwycks Photography Studio are designed for individuals and small groups, ensuring personalized attention and a hands-on learning experience.

Through Vicki's guidance, participants gain a solid foundation in photography, practical knowledge, and the confidence to pursue their creative visions.

Whether you're a novice looking to grasp the basics or an experienced photographer aiming to refine your skills, Vicki’s extensive experience and holistic approach make her workshops an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about photography.

Photo Enthusiasts studio

Stanwycks Photography Studio, under the Professional guidance of the photography Wizard, Vicki Stanwycks, who rocks over 23 years of snapping brilliance, has been welcoming photography enthusiasts of all stripes.

Whether you're a newbie or a pro, Vicki's got your back with workshops that cover everything from the beginner Artist and Photography career building, to creative photography, workflow and the Visual sophistication of Black and White.. With a mix of technical wizardry and artistic flair, this studio is where dreams of photographic stardom can come true!

The Art and Craft of Photography


Course info

The Art & Craft of Photography

Photography is a skill that if done with love and executed well,  becomes more than a skill, it makes you an artist or a craftsmen. We have to begin our journey learning from others and trusting their knowledge.

Stanwycks offers her knowledge and experience in her classes and workshops to help shape you on your path to Skill, Craftsmanship and Artistry.

Photography Classes, Coaching and Workshops

Workshops Classes and Coaching, prove invaluable to get your individual process started towards photography ambitions...

Photography Classes & Coaching are successful and invaluable for many of our Attendees. The more you work on your creativity and understand photography, the more your images will improve. Our Studio is motivated to help you succeed,  and we  take clients very seriously.


Photography Workshops

For Beginners, and more experienced shooters..

Various workshops are offered throughout the year and cover many topics. Please check this page from time to time to see if there's a topic that may interest you. We work with clients individually, from time to time offer group coaching for private groups - call us for your group!

Customizing your Photography Itinerary

This page lists some of the workshops we offer. Please take a look around and let us know which one(s) you like.

If you don't see something you want, please call us and we can figure it out.. If you see a few things you would like to do, we can customize a photography plan. Every individual gets hands on attention. Clients who have taken our workshops and coaching sessions come back all the time for more...

Our workshops are serious to us, we want you to benefit, yet we love to have fun and we do!



THe art introspective

The Artist Within

Creating or Unblocking | Recreating the Artist Within

Life coaching Sessions, Photography, Discussions and recreating the artist within...

Being creative for self satisfaction, feeling good, and even excited about what you want to accomplish takes motivation and a clear mind.

If your mind is jumbled and your life is crazy the creative process can be tainted, you can feel negatively challenged, hence making the creative process seem like climbing a huge mountain.

The creative process is different for everyone. This workshop is focused on you, figuring our what makes you come alive creatively, like you once were or perhaps simply different so you can find the creatively that has somehow gotten locked away and why.

Artists workshops have been a good place to start to get you seeing and feeling your creative self once again. If you are struggling this could be just what you need.

Attendees should bring to these classes/workshops their camera and gear, laptop and software that they use for their Photographs. Please bring at least 50 of your latest images so we can look at where you are now. There will be life coaching sessions, discussions, writing exercises, shooting at various locations, computer processing demonstrations. We will create images together based on your discovery and coaching sessions. Be prepared to talk about various subjects as realized through the creative process.

Beautiful Red Tulips

Most Popular Photography Workshops



Bayou Photogrphy Workshops

 Bayou Photography Workshops

We travel into the Louisiana Bayous and visit three swamp areas over the course of the weekend.  

This is quite the adventure!!!

We motor off  on boats and experience an Air Boat into the Bayous where our guides bring us to the  Bayou Areas,  showing Cypress Knees, Hanging Moss Trees, Gators, Swamps, Louisiana Nature, and it's various animals and Birds.

We visit  fishing areas... Old Grave Yards and see some of the locals discussing the catch of the day...  We also get to taste some of the local flavors and fresh catches of the day depending on where we grab a bite.

Vicki Stanwycks assists and teaches how to create images of the New Orleans Bayou Landscape, Gators, Hanging Moss Cypress Trees, People, Graveyards and the Cajun Landscape. 



Mississippi gulf coast

Mississippi Gulf Coast

In this Workshop we spend time creating images of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. From Bay St. Louis, all along the beaches and the inner Bayous.


We have a class to begin and then venture off to see and feel as much of the coast we can. Vicki Stanwycks s is  working with you to create beautiful images and capture the landscape and it's people. 

We Explore the  Fishing Areas, the Beaches and scenery, Local People, etc. If you want to embrace the Southern Coast and make some great images,  this workshop is for you....

travel photography

Stanwycks Photography, The Natchez Steamboat at Dusk


Travel Photography | Classes, day or Weekend Workshop

Travel photography is ever so exciting. Surely a new journey causes great enthusiasm to travel and explore... 

Travel Photography should be approached through the wisdom of the unknown... with the satisfaction of finding out what's there. "Pushing through the crevices of  life to create a memorable journey as captured through your lens." Photography gear needs to be effective and accomplish image capture while as simply as possible, while visiting unfamiliar territory effectively.

There are language barriers with foreigner's if traveling out of the country, safety issues and inherent photographic challenges. Going to the local camera store it not so readily available and having what you need is paramount as we don't get a chance to go back to our destination so easily...

The airlines come into play with how to travel effectively with your gear, as far as packing and carry on bags. Call us today to see how we can help you, to also help tap into what sparks you creatively when thinking about your travel plans... Our primary focus is to get you to be the best you can be with what you have, while traveling. Travel Photographs can be some of the most exciting images - especially when they are your own... and we help you make that happen.

Travel Photography Workshop Info

Traveling is awesome and you need to be prepared. There are language barriers if traveling out of the country, safety issues and inherent photographic challenges.  Having what you need is paramount.  The airlines  comes into play, traveling effectively with your gear is important to the success of any travel.

Call us today to about this workshop, so we can work with you when thinking about your travel plans and practically when it comes to your gear. 

Our primary focus is to get you to be the best you can be -- with what you have, while traveling. Travel Photography can prove to be some of the most exciting experiences, if done properly so you can get the most creative images for your life.  


street or night photography

Street and or Night Photography

Street Photography is a very interesting part of Photography, as Journalism is to telling a story.  Immersing yourself in the local culture and experiencing life anywhere gets one primed to start shooting pictures as life unfolds quickly - either in black and white or color. One can create the best Street photographs'  being spontaneous and mindful of the culture.

We offer Workshops to help you become more intuitive, with attention to detail and composition. Understanding how to be more intuitive and spontaneous gets more thought provoking images.   

There is an art to Street Photography and the people who populate urban locations, cities, and foreign places.  We go over gear, safety, light, preparation, travel, color, black and white, some computer imaging and learning how to understand your inner photographer.  

Vicki Stanwycks personally coaches and works with you in the classroom and on Location to create, using the techniques learned in this class.


exposure in photography



Exposure in Photography | White Balance and Color


So... You have heard about it, you have read about it, you have even tried to understand it... You have photographed images - using it..., and have tried to make great photographs trying to understand, and for some, "It" is a mystery...

In order to create a photograph, we must have it...  the - Light. Using light effectively helps us make better Photographs. In order to create an image, we need light...

We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from color to capture. Understanding light and how to manipulate light through exposure, will make all the difference to your images. Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image.

This workshop enhances your photography and helps you pinpoint the right exposure so you can make better images. How we work with an image in post production on the computer will make a difference. Light is essential to the life of the image.

the  Workshop starts off in the classroom  going over various techniques and brings us out into the field shooting different situations where we learn to use light to create mood, impact, what's best for color, for people, interiors, exteriors, and mixed lighting situations. Mixed lighting situations can be challenging and knowing what to do by knowing how to analyze light using our techniques will greatly benefit any shooter. If you are interested in understanding how to use light more effectively this workshop is for you.


Photography Workflow and Editing


Processing the Image and the Digital Darkroom Workshop

Your Computer can make or break your final images. How you  handle your images with your computer and software can dictate how you see your images in the future.  Todays darkroom is the computer.  

In this workshop we help you  understand a system to organize your images and create a cost effective workflow, software, storage and create a digital workflow so you can process your images and get your final images to look more like "how you saw the image when you created the photograph."

This workshop is deigned for those who want to create a digital workflow using their computers and software, for post processing, organizational purposes and image output for simple prints, to more extensive Giclee Printing and various Photo Products that are in most cases a click or two away. Let us help you with this process.

Stanwycks Photography, Black and White in Mexico at the Beach

Classes, Critiques and Workflow

Weekend Workshops gives us more time to hone your photography skills in classes, by looking at what you have done while shooting, then following a critique of your work.  Much learning can be received by looking and seeing what could may have done differently which sparks more questions and more learning.

Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks

Various New Orleans Workshops - Full Days and Weekends

Black and White Images and Photo Journalism go hand and hand...

Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available

We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.


Creative Juices Flowing...

Just you and your Camera!


Workshops on Your Schedule

"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"

Much Goes Into Black and White Photography

Do you want to create a great better black and white images?

Color, Black and White, special effects... the list is endless what you can do.

Make Statements and tell stories with you images...

Do you want to be more creative with your photography?

Photography can be a lot of fun when shooting for fun is a priority.

Knowing how to be more creative and spontaneous makes photography more interesting to you and the viewer.

If you want to be more creative, shoot some creative images in New Orleans than this is the workshop for you

Prepare Your Photography Gear and Yourself...

Attendees should have a Camera, with lenses, laptop or home computer and software which we can discuss before the workshop/class.

We will go shoot photographs. It's recommended to wear something comfortable, weather appropriate and closed toe shoes or sneakers.

Snapping Photos or Creating Images?

Are we snapping photos or creating images? With Instagram and Facebook inherently everyone is a kind of journalist - yet many an image is a snapshot.

The difference however in a good image maker and a snapshot maker is our methodology and care we take to understand the image and the process to create a fine image and the equipment we use.

New Orleans Photo Workshop Adventures

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394 or email

We are happy to discuss what projects you have coming up and are eager to help!

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